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2050 Center Ave., Suite 567
Fort Lee, NJ 07024

(201) 779-8502

Privacy Policy

Our background of Personal Information Protection Policy

With the coming of the information age and the internet, it has become easier than ever before to attain, duplicate and/or distribute information including that, which might be considered personal or proprietary.

Considering such background, Fuji Shoko America has rules and a management system for protecting your provided personal information and putting in place a personal information protection policy as described below.
This policy has been distributed amongst all members of the organization, from board members to employees. Fuji Shoko America is striving to protect personal information appropriately based on this policy.

Definition of Personal Information

Fuji Shoko America shall define personal information as existing individuals, including the name, birth date, and other descriptions about them, or a number, symbol, code, image, or sound assigned to them that identifies the individuals. It shall also include information that cannot identify individuals by itself but can assist in the identification of individuals when used in combination with some other information. Personal information shall not be limited to personal identifiers but shall include any information that indicates a fact, recognition, and assessment about the attribute of individuals, including physical characteristics, property, occupation, or status.

Scope of Application

This “About Personal Information Protection” document establishes the handling of personal information by Fuji Shoko America.

Personal Information Protection Policy

1. Collecting, Using, and Providing Personal Information

While carefully considering the entrusting of customer information during company activities, Fuji Shoko will handle such information appropriately by establishing a management system for personal information protection for each type of business and following stipulated rules for collecting, using, or providing personal information.

2. Following Laws and Norms

For handling personal information, Fuji Shoko America will follow the appropriate American laws and regulations applicable to the protection of relevant personal information. Also, Fuji Shoko will create and follow personal information management rules that conform to these laws and norms.

Establishing Rules for Managing Personal Information Protection and Making Continual Improvements Fuji Shoko America will make sure that all members of the organization recognize the importance of personal information protection, and will steadily establish rules for managing personal information to ensure that such information is used appropriately and is protected. These rules will be maintained and improved continually.

3. Implementing Safety Measures

To ensure the correctness and safety of personal information, under the rules for information security, Fuji Shoko America will implement various measures (such as managing access to personal information, restricting the means for transporting personal information outside the company, and preventing incorrect access from outside the company), and strive to prevent any problems with personal information (such as the loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of information).

4. Respecting Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Information

When you request to reveal, correct, or delete your own personal information, or seek to prevent the use or provision of such information, Fuji Shoko America will respond with sincerity, respecting your rights related to that personal information.

5. Establishing Rules for Managing Personal Information Protection and Making Continual Improvements

Fuji Shoko America will make sure that all members of the organization recognize the importance of personal information protection, and will steadily establish rules for managing personal information to ensure that such information is used appropriately and is protected. These rules will be maintained and improved continually.

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Copyright © 2025 Fuji Shoko America, Inc.

Copyright © 2025 Fuji Shoko America, Inc.